Live Breaks Policy
We have zero tolerance on racism and bullying, but we are absolutely fine with good banter.
Be respectful to the streamer, the moderator and other viewers and participants in the stream. If you are asked to stop, please do so.
- Have fun, spread good vibes and enjoy the stream!
Break order will be on a first come first served basis based on the order list. Please view our queue.
As long as it is available, we will open a sealed booster box for all orders that are equivalent to 30 Japanese packs or 36 English packs.
Empty packs may be requested in advance. We cannot guarantee a cleanly ripped packet. The number of packs that can be requested are limited to what you have purchased.
Empty boxes may be requested in advance. Only the purchaser of the box may send a request.
As of September 8 2021, you will be able to store your cards with us for a maximum duration of 12 months. It is your sole responsibility to settle the shipping cost if your accumulated spend currently stored does not meet any of our free shipping tiers.
Free shipping tiers are available. We offer Standard and Expedited shipping via your local post office as well as courier service via DHL Express. Please visit our shipping page for more details.
Once you are ready to checkout, contact us with your Twitch name and order number and we will send you a shipping invoice if you do not yet qualify for free shipping.
- All sales are final. Refer to our Refund Policy.